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Strategic Plan

Our strategic plan will reinforce and invigorate a transformative education experience for young women at Saint Mary’s School. By investing in academic excellence, leadership, and community engagement, we will enable girls to continue excelling academically while further engaging in meaningful leadership, community, and persona-grown opportunities. By investing in these key areas, we are committed to empowering young women to become leaders and makers, shaping a brighter, more inclusive future.



Expand and improve our dynamic academic program. 

  • Strengthen student engagement in all classrooms by implementing active learning methodologies and a range of teaching strategies to meet every student's varied academic needs and learning styles.

  • Prioritize student-centered learning and flexibility through a comprehensive curriculum revitalization effort focusing on recalibrating existing courses and creating new options.
  • Establish an innovative academic assessment and feedback system that cultivates scholarship and leadership for students and faculty.
  • Enhance students’ academic experience by investing in a comprehensive professional development program for teachers.   
  • Invest in student-centered research initiatives to inform and adapt the school day, emphasizing agility, holistic approaches, and interdisciplinary connections within our academic program.



Refine our exemplary admissions experience. 

  • Develop a highly personalized process to provide prospective parents and students with a tailored, convenient, and supportive admissions experience.
  • Optimize an advanced online admissions tool to ensure a user-friendly experience for applicants and administrators.
  • Maintain a well-balanced student enrollment that increases Net Tuition Revenue annually by leveraging partnerships with admissions consultants, community partners, and internal stakeholders to build a more inclusive and globally representative student body.
  • Significantly grow and diversify our boarding population with a targeted goal of enrolling 50 boarders from North Carolina, 50 from other states within the U.S., and 50 from international locations to cultivate a richly diverse residential experience.



Cultivate visionary local, national, and international partnerships for the benefit of all students.

  • Establish mentorship for students and staff and secure sponsorship opportunities to underwrite critical initiatives.
  • Position the school as a leader in girls' education through state, domestic, and global partnerships.
  • Effectively optimize collaborative partnerships in the arts, sports, student activities, and public service to maximize the Saint Mary’s experience for all students.
  • Form global partnerships and international exchanges for students and staff, creating opportunities for cultural awareness, curriculum enhancement, and interdisciplinary programming. 
  • Secure funding partners to underwrite flagship programs like the Young Women’s Leadership Institute and others.


Residential Life

Augment a vibrant, engaging residential life community

  • Continuously renew the student experience by offering afternoon, evening, and weekend social and academic opportunities for student engagement and leadership skills development.
  • Create and promote programs that foster a cohesive and inclusive student community, including programs that take advantage of the Research Triangle region's diverse opportunities.
  • Promote students’ wellness with programs focusing on mental health, physical well-being, and spiritual growth.
  • Create dynamic modern common spaces that strengthen collaboration and connection within the student community.


Community & Belonging

Perpetuate an environment dedicated to dignity and respect for self, others, and the institution. 

  • Enhance student engagement by creating more all-campus activities that further the student body's sense of inclusion and connectedness.
  • Create events that engage employees, parents, and alumnae to strengthen connection and commitment to the community. 
  • Remove any barriers to participation in campus-wide events to expand broad community engagement.
  • Encourage mutual understanding and a commitment to core school values, including opportunities for open dialogue and exchange, promoting empathy, and cultivating diverse perspectives.
  • Clearly communicate and exemplify behaviors and standards that uphold the worth and dignity of all community members throughout the institution.