Leadership Education
The mission of student life and all leadership education at Saint Mary's School is to design and implement learning opportunities for all students that promote authentic leadership, resiliency, and adaptability.
Programming is grade-level appropriate, reaching girls where they are, both socially and emotionally, and embraces the Episcopal school tradition where students are encouraged "to build lives of genuine meaning, purpose, and service in the world they will inherit." (episcopalschools.org)
The Courage to Create a Socially Responsible World
Student Life and Leadership Programs works in conjunction with Academics to support learning that takes place outside the classroom. Located in the heart of Raleigh, you have the benefit of an urban setting as one of our greatest resources. You are encouraged to think about how your actions will impact the world and our greater community.
The Courage to Find Your Voice
Students are provided with tools and opportunities to move out of the comfort zone and advocate for themselves. When at all possible, message are conveyed verbally and electronically to students, by students, beginning in the ninth grade. Through programming, we help teach and mentor students on articulate and effective communication skills. By allowing you the space to ask questions and examine the "why," you are empowered to speak up and speak out.
The Courage to Lead an Authentic Life
The Student Life Team strives to ensure an environment where girls thrive, experience joy, and discover their own balance. We provide a safe place to fail, implementing structures to help you effectively navigate the ups and downs high school can bring. Through intentional community-building programming, students develop a level of accountability and respect and sense of commitment toward classmates, adults, and their school. This allows you the freedom to be your own self and support your peers as you grow as young women of intelligence and purpose.