Counseling Support
Saint Mary's counselors Aisha Burton and Teresa Assenzo are residential school counselors who offer services aimed at empowering our students to make healthy responsible decisions and work to create support systems for girls in our school environment.
Health & Wellness at Saint Mary's School
Saint Mary’s School recognizes that adolescents are in a position of rapid growth and developmental change with personal needs, issues and concerns that must be addressed in order to promote their well-being and success.
Two full-time, residential school counselors offer short-term, solution-oriented services aimed at empowering girls to make healthy, responsible decisions and work to create support systems for students in the school environment. The Counseling Support staff provide assistance and guidance to parents as well and are available for individual consultations at parent request. Because Saint Mary’s School is not a therapeutic institution, issues requiring further evaluation or treatment will be referred to community professionals.
Meet Our Counselors
For additional information or for a consultation, please contact:
Teresa Assenzo
School Counselor
Aisha Burton
School Counselor
You may also contact the Binder Health Center at: