Honor Code
The Saint Mary’s community embraces an Honor Code that calls students to live truthfully and learn with integrity.
We value honor and integrity as central to building character. Our individual and shared commitment to honor creates a foundation of trust and respect essential to an ethical and moral life. Adults and students alike take the Oath of Honor.
When members of a community promise to live with personal honor and accept responsibility for helping others to do the same, together they trust more. Our inclusive culture and supportive community allow students to be their best selves and grow as young women of character, honor and compassion.
The Honor Pledge
Many teachers include the following pledge on examinations, tests or assignments as a reminder of a student's agreement to academic honesty and integrity: I pledge that I have neither given nor received help on this test or assignment, nor have I seen anyone else do so.
The Code of Conduct
To foster our core value of community, honoring the dignity of every human being, all members must be treated with consideration and respect. Our Code of Conduct guidelines, revised and written in 2007 by our students, are essential to the quality of life and the happiness of everyone in the Saint Mary's School community.
Honor Oath: With a clear understanding of all that the Honor Code implies, I pledge that I will uphold the highest standard of personal integrity in every phase of life at Saint Mary’s School, and I recognize and accept my responsibility for helping others to live up to that standard.